Decisión de la Mesa: 10.COM 3.BUR 1

The Bureau,

  1. Recalling Article 23 of the Convention as well as chapter I.4 related to eligibility and selection criteria of international assistance requests,
  2. Having examined Document ITH/15/10.COM 3.BUR/1 as well as the request for preparatory assistance No. 01176 submitted by the Philippines,
  3. Takes note that the Philippines has requested assistance in the amount of US$7,393 to elaborate a nomination to the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding of Traditional boat-building traditions of the lvatans of Batanes, Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental, Manobo of Agusan and Sama-Bajau of Tawi-tawi of the Philippine archipelago. Knowledge and skills related to traditional boat-building, including related rituals and knowledge concerning astronomy and nature, are held by indigenous groups located in four different locations of the Philippine archipelago: Batanes, Santa Catalina, Agusan and Tawi-tawi. Anthropologists-archaeologists from the National Museum of the Philippines will be responsible for the elaboration of the nomination file in close collaboration with tradition bearers and their families. Technical support from a professional videographer and language specialists is also foreseen;
  4. Decides that, from the information provided in file No. 01176, the request responds as follows to the criteria for granting International Assistance given in Paragraphs 10 and 12 of the Operational Directives:
Criterion A.1: Communities have provided their free, prior and informed consent to the proposed preparatory activities and to the nomination of the element to the Urgent Safeguarding List. The State Party is committed to ensure the direct involvement of concerned communities through interviews with the implementing agency and their direct participation in the documentation process following an emic approach. Communities will also have the responsibility to validate the results of the documentation process.

Criterion A.2: Despite a lack of budgetary details regarding the services of a professional videographer and of language specialists, the amount of assistance requested seems appropriate.

Criterion A.3: The proposed timetable seems coherent with preparatory activities described, well planned and realistic.

Criterion A.4: The involvement of traditional bearers and their families in the documentation process and their sensitization to the importance of safeguarding their living heritage is expected to contribute to short and medium term results.

Criterion A.5: The implementing agency identified by the State Party proposes to share 45% of the costs of the activities for which preparatory assistance is requested, while local governmental authorities will provide in-kind support.

Criterion A.6: As traditional bearers and their families will be fully involved in the documentation process, it is foreseen that communities will be sensitized to the importance of safeguarding their living heritage and methodologies for documentation, and their capacities will consequently be reinforced.

Criterion A.7: The State Party implemented from 2003 to 2008 a project on the safeguarding and transmission of the Hudhud Chants of the Ifugao financed by the Japan Funds-in-Trust and carried it out in compliance with UNESCO’s regulations.

  1. Decides to approve as authorized body, the preparatory assistance request No. 01176 for an amount of US$7,393;
  2. Requests the Secretariat to reach agreement with the requesting State Party on the technical details of the preparatory assistance, including a detailed budget.
